My hotel WiFi has been acting up so am a day or two behind. Will do my best to update
Headed over to the former Pivovarský Klub, now Pivovarský Klub Benedict.
It is not just the addition of a word, the place has better pretty much totally changed. Only the taps are the same.
In the Before Times they always had the Benedict 12º so I had one of those.
I wasn't really interest in any of the other beers and hopped a tram to the Urxova stop. If you are headed eastbound, this is what you see...
M*A*S*H Bar? Does that mean what I think it does?
It does. The inside is covered with murals from the M*A*S*H TV show. Usually I am there on a weekday and it isn't very full. But this Saturday it was full so I couldn't sit at my usual seat with Radar O'Riley looking over my shoulder...
They serve Holba beers so I ordered the Šerák 11⁰
It is not the best beer I've had, but far from the worst. And the price is right...
It is (for me) a one beer and done place so I headed out. Then my plans went south. I had forgotten the next place I had in mind, Diego Pivni Bar doesn't open until 5pm on weekends (11am weekdays), I should have checked my own app!
Next I headed over to BeerGeek Pivoteka Karlín. It is mainly a bottle shop but they have three taps for onsite drinking. But my choices were a Hazy IPA, Passion Fruit Sour and an Oud Beersel Oolong Tea Lambic. In other situations I might have tried them but not today.
So I headed over to the Prague Market and Burza#4 . This is an "urban beer garden"
It is a decent (but not great beer list)
I ordered the Vinohradský 12⁰ and burrito to go with it. I had to wait a bit for the burrito so it was not a bad pour.
The burrito was a bit strange. It was heated in a panini press so it was bit squished. It had all the expected ingredients and filled the space in my stomach so I was happy.
Next stop was a place that has only been open 3-4 weeks, Čep & Pec. They advertised themselves as a "bakery and brewery" but the bakery isn't set up yet and the beers are contract brewed (under the name Four Elements Brewing)
I ordered the house Malostranská 11⁰. It was quite enjoyable.
They had seven beers on tap, two of which were their own.

Since I came all this way, I thought I'd have another. This is the Panaczech Red Imperial Pilsner ("R.I.P.")
It was Ok but a bit on the sweet side for me. More "sugary" sweetness than "malty" sweetness. The small pour was about right.
So I wend back to the trams stop and I could see that tramp in the distance but it didn't seem to be moving.???
After a while the reason became clear, they were stuck behind a horse drawn carriage. The carriage driver tried to pull over but they couldn't' move over enough for the tram to pass. Finially, she just pulled in the opposing lane and let the tram pass.
Tram 14 to Spořilov -- if you know me or know Prague you know what this means: První Pivní Tramway!
As usually, 8 beers on tap
I started with the Tramway ale, brewed (for now) at Pivovarský Dům. Just glad it wasn't a house IPA, then I'd have a moral dilema. And if anybody is wondering, the artwork in the Gents is still there...
Net up was a Malešov Zlatokop 12⁰. When I sat down with the beer a man came up and asked "Are you Fred?" When I said I was he said we was Steve and he followed me on Twitter and lived close by and so popped over to say "hi." Fame, I guess.
I got back on 14 Tram and headed up to Zlý Časy
The pandemic hit them hard. One of their claims to fame is that they had three bars, all with different taps. If you didn't like what was on one, you could try another. Sadly, they are down to one, the front bar and the downstairs bar are closed. That leaves them with a lot few taps.
I ordered the Mouflon 11⁰ I was having trouble with the lighting so it took a whole to get a good picture. Jus not my day for photography.
Quire a reduced tap list
I was hunger and ordered a schnitzel. Immediately I heard pounding from the kitchen. Always a good sign.
Suitable fortified, I headed back to towards my hotel. I had to walk right by Minirest, so I popped in for a Hrádek Karpat 11⁰. The Hrádek beers are nothing to write home about, but they get the job done, I guess.
The taps had changed a bit since my last visit.
One liter PET bottles to go of the standard beers.
For a second nightcap I had then Všerad 11⁰ Světlý Ležák.I liked it much better than the Hrádek
Just as I was leaving, I head a voice behind me, in accented English (not American!) say "Two Corona."
I first I thought he was talking about money as the Koruna is the unit of Czech currency. But no, he meant the beer.
A Czech beer which is getting another push here in Chicago, U.S.A. is Krusovice. I already know that what is called Pilsner Urquell and Czechvar here is known as in Czechia (and I have been to Japan, where the latter won its battle and is called Budvar), but did you espy Krusovice in any of these Prague venues? Does it have a different brand name?
I haven't had a Krušovice in years, though you do see the signs around. They are owned by Heineken and I remember it as a standard industrial lager. Of course here that meme if my local pubans it is a decent beer but there are many better to choose from. I'd probably order it back home if my local pub had it on draft.
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