The day is young, the beers are many, victory is assured and updates will come.

Cafe Abseits 
Haberstumpf Fasten-Bock

Schlenlerkla Eiche Double Bock

Mönchambacher Lagerbier

Schneider "Tap 5" a/k/a "Hopfen Weisse"
Mahr's Bräu 
a U

Der Weisse Bock
Klosterbräu Bock
Not shown: Hausbräu Stegaurach.
I'll leave you with a non-beer, touristy photo...

I'm being pedantic here...
Isn't the first photo of Faessla pils? The lagerbier is usually served in a glass with a handle.
The pils is usually served in a straight glass with gold rim, as shown.
The Klosterbrau bock looks inviting.
Mike you are right -- I was madly updating and got ahead of myself. Post corrected. Glad you are keeping me on my toes :)
say hello to Lilo!
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